20170729 Hwy 529 Bugs and Butterflies

A quick trip down Hwy 529 showed these images through the 100-400 mm lens:

This might be a female  White-faced Meadowhawk(?) resting on a milkweed leaf…

If you are interested in learning more about Eastern Canada “Odes”  (Dragonflies are members of the Order Odonata)  have a look at  Mark Dennis’s website:  https://quebecodes.wordpress.com/         There you can follow links to his books and other sites of interest to naturalists.  He’s a very assertive, direct and engaging  writer.

The lack of “the spot” identifies this Vanessa as a Painted  Lady…..

I suspect that this is a Generation 3 Monarch loading up with nectar to produce a 4th (Diapause)Generation that will migrate south during the end of August and September.  See:  https://monarchlab.org/biology-and-research/biology-and-natural-history/breeding-life-cycle/annual-life-cycle/

Monarchs in Generations 3 and 4 are the great- and great-great grandchildren of the overwintering monarchs. They are laid throughout the northern part of the range of eastern migratory monarchs from late May through July (Generation 3), and late June through August (Generation 4). Some generation 3 individuals emerge early enough to reproduce in the northern part of their breeding range or after moving south (see immature distribution map). However, Generation 3 individuals that emerge late in August will undergo diapause and migrate to Mexico, as will most Generation 4 individuals.

In the meantime I am keeping an eye on these rolled-up Staghorn Sumac leaves to see what emerges.  Illinois Wildflowers suggests some possibilities.

Notice the huge blob of pollen on the leg of this Bombus:


Mary Anne Borg has  great advice to attract and sustain these Great Spangled Fritillaries….

Most of the Spreading Dogbane has matured to the “bean” stage now.  Some patches still have some blooms to attract pollinators, though.  This pollinator attractor  would make a good groundcover for open spaces.

Mark Berkery has some nice macro photography here: https://beingmark.com/2017/08/04/picture-perfect/



4 thoughts on “20170729 Hwy 529 Bugs and Butterflies

  1. Hi Tom,
    I was wondering if you can identify this cutie attached.
    I’m having a hard time finding info on it.
    Thanks and keep up the good work.
    The photos on your blog are phenomenal.


    • Thanks Ivo!
      Sorry I can’t get “image1.JPG”. Attach it to an Email and I’ll try to ID it.

  2. Thank you Tom .. BEAUTIFUL and partial to the “Notice the huge blob of pollen on the leg of this Bombus”/ Yes pls, keep up withh your awesome pictures that we get to view and learn from as well. . xoxo

    • Thanks Krys,
      Yes, I noted the blob of pollen only after I photographed the critters. That happens often to me now.

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